Representation of $overlinemathbbQ$ in One Dimension The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InFor a topological group $G$ and a subgroup $H$, is it true that $[overlineH, overlineH] = overline[H,H]$? What about algebraic groups?Set $S$ which is path-connected, but $overlineS$ is not path-connected$operatornamedisc(mathbbZ[alpha]) = [mathcalO_K:mathbbZ[alpha]]^2operatornamedisc(mathcalO_K)$.Does $overlineA+B=overline A+overline B$ hold if $overline A$ and $overline B$ are compact?A question from the proof of topologists sine curve being not path connectedConstructing explicit connected path for coefficients of monic polynomials with roots lying in the open left half plane?Constructing a continuous path between two matricesWhat is the discriminant of this order $A=mathbbZ[alpha]capmathbbZ[alpha^-1]$?What's in a Noetherian $mathbbA$-Module Ephemeralization?Prüfer Groups and Product Topologies

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Representation of $overlinemathbbQ$ in One Dimension

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InFor a topological group $G$ and a subgroup $H$, is it true that $[overlineH, overlineH] = overline[H,H]$? What about algebraic groups?Set $S$ which is path-connected, but $overlineS$ is not path-connected$operatornamedisc(mathbbZ[alpha]) = [mathcalO_K:mathbbZ[alpha]]^2operatornamedisc(mathcalO_K)$.Does $overlineA+B=overline A+overline B$ hold if $overline A$ and $overline B$ are compact?A question from the proof of topologists sine curve being not path connectedConstructing explicit connected path for coefficients of monic polynomials with roots lying in the open left half plane?Constructing a continuous path between two matricesWhat is the discriminant of this order $A=mathbbZ[alpha]capmathbbZ[alpha^-1]$?What's in a Noetherian $mathbbA$-Module Ephemeralization?Prüfer Groups and Product Topologies



Introduction: Below gives an approach to realize the algebraic numbers $overlinemathbbQsubseteqmathbbC$ within a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group (solenoid). Essentially a trade is made: sacrifice path-connectedness in $mathbbC$ to exhibit an algebraic, topological, analytic, and geometric setting in $1$ real dimension for $overlinemathbbQ$. The asserted correspondence identifies each algebraic number with a path component of the solenoid.

Let $boldsymbol1=(1+2mathbbZ,1+3mathbbZ,1+5mathbbZ,dots)inDelta,colon!= prod_pinmathbbPfracmathbbZpmathbbZ$, a commutative profinite ring with identity. Identify $mathbbZ$ with the dense subgroup $mathbbZboldsymbol1subseteqDelta$. A $widehatmathbbZ$-module structure is defined on $Delta$ by continuously extending the natural multiplication $mathbbZtimesDeltarightarrowDelta$. The resulting scalar multiplication is compatible with the continuous componentwise ring multiplication on $Delta$. In other words, $Delta$ is a finitely generated $widehatmathbbZ$-algebra.

Identify $Delta$ with its topologically isomorphic image in $G,colon!=fracDeltatimesmathbbRmathbbZ(boldsymbol1,1)$, a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group, or solenoid, with a metric topology and (WLOG) total Haar measure $1$.

Define $mathbbQDelta$ to be the subgroup of $G$ generated by its profinite subgroups. It is known that

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is the union of all subgroups $D$ of $G$ containing $Delta$ for which $[D,colonDelta]<infty$.

  • For each $boldsymbolgammainmathbbQDelta$ there is $0neq n_boldsymbolgammainmathbbZ$ with $n_boldsymbolgammaboldsymbolgammainDelta$.

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is a $0$-dimensional, non-locally-compact, divisible, incomplete metric subgroup of $G$.

  • $G$ has a dense subgroup $Xcongsumlimits_pinmathbbPfrac1pmathbbZ$ algebraically isomorphic to the Pontryagin dual of $G$.

  • $G$ is topologically isomorphic to $fracmathbbQDeltatimesmathbbRX(boldsymbol1,1)$ with identfications $DeltasubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$ and $XsubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$, subject to the caveat that under the identifications the algebro-topological realizations of $mathbbQDelta$ and $X$ go from locally compact outside of $G$ to non-locally-compact as subgroups of $G$.

Each algebraic number $alphanotinmathbbZ$ has the form $beta_alpha/n_alpha$ for some algebraic integer $beta_alpha$ and some minimal positive integer $n_alpha >1$. Let $s_alpha(x)$ denote a nonconstant monic irreducible polynomial in $mathbbZ[x]$ with $s_alpha(beta_alpha)=0$.

Let $mathbbP$ denote the set of prime numbers. For each $minmathbbZ$, let $mathbbP_alpha,m =p_alpha,m,1,dots,p_alpha,m,k_m$ according to the prime factorization $s_alpha(m) = pm p_alpha,m,1^r_alpha,m,1cdots p_alpha,m,k_m^r_alpha,m,k_m$. For example, $varnothingneqmathbbP_alpha,0= p_alpha,0,1,dots, p_alpha,0,k_0$ because $s_alpha(0)=pm p_alpha,0,1^r_alpha,0,1cdots p_alpha,0,k_0^r_alpha,0,k_0$ is the constant term of the irreducible polynomial $s_alpha (x)inmathbbZ[x]$, and for $qinmathbbP$ we have $mathbbP_alpha,q= p_alpha,q,1,dots, p_alpha,q,k_q$ where $s_alpha(q) = pm p_alpha,q,1^r_alpha,q,1cdots p_alpha,q,k_q^r_alpha,q,k_q$.

For $pinmathbbP$, let $Z_alpha,,p=minmathbbZ,colon pmid s_alpha(m)$. Let $overlineZ_alpha,,p=m+pmathbbZinmathbbZ/pmathbbZ,colon min Z_alpha,,p$. Then

  1. $mathbbP_alpha,colon!= pinmathbbP,colon, pmid s_alpha(m)$ for some $minmathbbZ=bigcuplimits_minmathbbZmathbbP_alpha,m$ is infinite,

  2. $Z_alpha,,p=varnothing$ if $pnotinmathbbP_alpha$,

  3. $Z_alpha,,p$ is infinite if $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  4. $lvertoverlineZ_alpha,,prvert >1$ for infinitely many $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  5. $0in Z_alpha,,p_0,1capcdotscap Z_alpha,,p_0,k_0$,

  6. $pinmathbbP,colon Z_alpha,,pcap mathbbP_alpha,,pneqvarnothing= p_0,1,dots, p_0,k_0$.

Define $Delta_alpha =boldsymbolgammainDelta,colon, forall,pnotinmathbbP_alpha,0,, pnmidgamma_pLeftrightarrow gamma_pin Z_alpha,,psubseteqDelta$. By (1) and (4), $Delta_alpha$ is uncountable. Let $boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ be the unique element of $Delta_alpha$ satisfying $0lebeta_alpha,,p<p$ with $beta_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$. Define $boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alphainmathbbQDelta$ to be the element $boldsymbolr_alpha=(r_alpha,2+2^ell_2mathbbZ,r_alpha,3+3^ell_3mathbbZ,r_alpha,5+5^ell_5mathbbZ,dots)$ with $n_alpha boldsymbolr_alpha=boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ and $0le r_alpha,,p<p^ell_p$ with $r_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$.

Define $sim$ on $mathbbQDelta$ by $boldsymbolgammasimboldsymboldeltaLeftrightarrow$ there exists $alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ such that $pmid n_alpha(gamma_p-delta_p)$ for almost all $pin mathbbP_alpha$. Write $[boldsymbolgamma]$ for the equivalence class of $boldsymbolgamma$.

Define $fcolonoverlinemathbbQrightarrowmathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $f(alpha)=[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ for $alpha=beta_alpha/n_alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ where $n_alpha=1Leftrightarrow beta_alphainmathbbZ$. Then $f$ is well-defined and surjective.

$rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]=gin rm End,mathbbZ[x]: g(1)=1$ and $g(x)= mpm x$ for some $minmathbbZ$ acts on $mathbbZ[x]$, taking monic irreducible polynomials to monic irreducible polynomials, and so defines a group action on $overlinemathbbQ$ which induces a well-defined group action on $mathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $t(x)f(alpha),colon!= f(t(x)alpha)$.

Denote the quotient $overlinemathbbQDelta,,colon! = rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash mathbbQDelta/!!sim$. The elements of $overlinemathbbQDelta$ are the orbits of $[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ under the induced group action, and these orbits correspond bijectively with the path components of $G$ via $rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash [boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha] leftrightarrow boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha + G_a$, where $G_a$ denotes the path component of $0in G$.

Thus, $overlinemathbbQcong overlinemathbbQDelta$ exhibits a one-to-one correspondence between algebraic numbers and path components of the $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group $G$.

Question: Is this construction correct? If not, is it fixable? If fixable, what changes are needed?

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  • 5

    Add an introduction to the question: otherwise one has to read 40+ lines blindly without knowing what the question is :)
    – b00n heT
    Apr 7 at 7:27



Introduction: Below gives an approach to realize the algebraic numbers $overlinemathbbQsubseteqmathbbC$ within a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group (solenoid). Essentially a trade is made: sacrifice path-connectedness in $mathbbC$ to exhibit an algebraic, topological, analytic, and geometric setting in $1$ real dimension for $overlinemathbbQ$. The asserted correspondence identifies each algebraic number with a path component of the solenoid.

Let $boldsymbol1=(1+2mathbbZ,1+3mathbbZ,1+5mathbbZ,dots)inDelta,colon!= prod_pinmathbbPfracmathbbZpmathbbZ$, a commutative profinite ring with identity. Identify $mathbbZ$ with the dense subgroup $mathbbZboldsymbol1subseteqDelta$. A $widehatmathbbZ$-module structure is defined on $Delta$ by continuously extending the natural multiplication $mathbbZtimesDeltarightarrowDelta$. The resulting scalar multiplication is compatible with the continuous componentwise ring multiplication on $Delta$. In other words, $Delta$ is a finitely generated $widehatmathbbZ$-algebra.

Identify $Delta$ with its topologically isomorphic image in $G,colon!=fracDeltatimesmathbbRmathbbZ(boldsymbol1,1)$, a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group, or solenoid, with a metric topology and (WLOG) total Haar measure $1$.

Define $mathbbQDelta$ to be the subgroup of $G$ generated by its profinite subgroups. It is known that

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is the union of all subgroups $D$ of $G$ containing $Delta$ for which $[D,colonDelta]<infty$.

  • For each $boldsymbolgammainmathbbQDelta$ there is $0neq n_boldsymbolgammainmathbbZ$ with $n_boldsymbolgammaboldsymbolgammainDelta$.

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is a $0$-dimensional, non-locally-compact, divisible, incomplete metric subgroup of $G$.

  • $G$ has a dense subgroup $Xcongsumlimits_pinmathbbPfrac1pmathbbZ$ algebraically isomorphic to the Pontryagin dual of $G$.

  • $G$ is topologically isomorphic to $fracmathbbQDeltatimesmathbbRX(boldsymbol1,1)$ with identfications $DeltasubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$ and $XsubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$, subject to the caveat that under the identifications the algebro-topological realizations of $mathbbQDelta$ and $X$ go from locally compact outside of $G$ to non-locally-compact as subgroups of $G$.

Each algebraic number $alphanotinmathbbZ$ has the form $beta_alpha/n_alpha$ for some algebraic integer $beta_alpha$ and some minimal positive integer $n_alpha >1$. Let $s_alpha(x)$ denote a nonconstant monic irreducible polynomial in $mathbbZ[x]$ with $s_alpha(beta_alpha)=0$.

Let $mathbbP$ denote the set of prime numbers. For each $minmathbbZ$, let $mathbbP_alpha,m =p_alpha,m,1,dots,p_alpha,m,k_m$ according to the prime factorization $s_alpha(m) = pm p_alpha,m,1^r_alpha,m,1cdots p_alpha,m,k_m^r_alpha,m,k_m$. For example, $varnothingneqmathbbP_alpha,0= p_alpha,0,1,dots, p_alpha,0,k_0$ because $s_alpha(0)=pm p_alpha,0,1^r_alpha,0,1cdots p_alpha,0,k_0^r_alpha,0,k_0$ is the constant term of the irreducible polynomial $s_alpha (x)inmathbbZ[x]$, and for $qinmathbbP$ we have $mathbbP_alpha,q= p_alpha,q,1,dots, p_alpha,q,k_q$ where $s_alpha(q) = pm p_alpha,q,1^r_alpha,q,1cdots p_alpha,q,k_q^r_alpha,q,k_q$.

For $pinmathbbP$, let $Z_alpha,,p=minmathbbZ,colon pmid s_alpha(m)$. Let $overlineZ_alpha,,p=m+pmathbbZinmathbbZ/pmathbbZ,colon min Z_alpha,,p$. Then

  1. $mathbbP_alpha,colon!= pinmathbbP,colon, pmid s_alpha(m)$ for some $minmathbbZ=bigcuplimits_minmathbbZmathbbP_alpha,m$ is infinite,

  2. $Z_alpha,,p=varnothing$ if $pnotinmathbbP_alpha$,

  3. $Z_alpha,,p$ is infinite if $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  4. $lvertoverlineZ_alpha,,prvert >1$ for infinitely many $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  5. $0in Z_alpha,,p_0,1capcdotscap Z_alpha,,p_0,k_0$,

  6. $pinmathbbP,colon Z_alpha,,pcap mathbbP_alpha,,pneqvarnothing= p_0,1,dots, p_0,k_0$.

Define $Delta_alpha =boldsymbolgammainDelta,colon, forall,pnotinmathbbP_alpha,0,, pnmidgamma_pLeftrightarrow gamma_pin Z_alpha,,psubseteqDelta$. By (1) and (4), $Delta_alpha$ is uncountable. Let $boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ be the unique element of $Delta_alpha$ satisfying $0lebeta_alpha,,p<p$ with $beta_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$. Define $boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alphainmathbbQDelta$ to be the element $boldsymbolr_alpha=(r_alpha,2+2^ell_2mathbbZ,r_alpha,3+3^ell_3mathbbZ,r_alpha,5+5^ell_5mathbbZ,dots)$ with $n_alpha boldsymbolr_alpha=boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ and $0le r_alpha,,p<p^ell_p$ with $r_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$.

Define $sim$ on $mathbbQDelta$ by $boldsymbolgammasimboldsymboldeltaLeftrightarrow$ there exists $alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ such that $pmid n_alpha(gamma_p-delta_p)$ for almost all $pin mathbbP_alpha$. Write $[boldsymbolgamma]$ for the equivalence class of $boldsymbolgamma$.

Define $fcolonoverlinemathbbQrightarrowmathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $f(alpha)=[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ for $alpha=beta_alpha/n_alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ where $n_alpha=1Leftrightarrow beta_alphainmathbbZ$. Then $f$ is well-defined and surjective.

$rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]=gin rm End,mathbbZ[x]: g(1)=1$ and $g(x)= mpm x$ for some $minmathbbZ$ acts on $mathbbZ[x]$, taking monic irreducible polynomials to monic irreducible polynomials, and so defines a group action on $overlinemathbbQ$ which induces a well-defined group action on $mathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $t(x)f(alpha),colon!= f(t(x)alpha)$.

Denote the quotient $overlinemathbbQDelta,,colon! = rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash mathbbQDelta/!!sim$. The elements of $overlinemathbbQDelta$ are the orbits of $[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ under the induced group action, and these orbits correspond bijectively with the path components of $G$ via $rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash [boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha] leftrightarrow boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha + G_a$, where $G_a$ denotes the path component of $0in G$.

Thus, $overlinemathbbQcong overlinemathbbQDelta$ exhibits a one-to-one correspondence between algebraic numbers and path components of the $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group $G$.

Question: Is this construction correct? If not, is it fixable? If fixable, what changes are needed?

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  • 5

    Add an introduction to the question: otherwise one has to read 40+ lines blindly without knowing what the question is :)
    – b00n heT
    Apr 7 at 7:27






Introduction: Below gives an approach to realize the algebraic numbers $overlinemathbbQsubseteqmathbbC$ within a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group (solenoid). Essentially a trade is made: sacrifice path-connectedness in $mathbbC$ to exhibit an algebraic, topological, analytic, and geometric setting in $1$ real dimension for $overlinemathbbQ$. The asserted correspondence identifies each algebraic number with a path component of the solenoid.

Let $boldsymbol1=(1+2mathbbZ,1+3mathbbZ,1+5mathbbZ,dots)inDelta,colon!= prod_pinmathbbPfracmathbbZpmathbbZ$, a commutative profinite ring with identity. Identify $mathbbZ$ with the dense subgroup $mathbbZboldsymbol1subseteqDelta$. A $widehatmathbbZ$-module structure is defined on $Delta$ by continuously extending the natural multiplication $mathbbZtimesDeltarightarrowDelta$. The resulting scalar multiplication is compatible with the continuous componentwise ring multiplication on $Delta$. In other words, $Delta$ is a finitely generated $widehatmathbbZ$-algebra.

Identify $Delta$ with its topologically isomorphic image in $G,colon!=fracDeltatimesmathbbRmathbbZ(boldsymbol1,1)$, a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group, or solenoid, with a metric topology and (WLOG) total Haar measure $1$.

Define $mathbbQDelta$ to be the subgroup of $G$ generated by its profinite subgroups. It is known that

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is the union of all subgroups $D$ of $G$ containing $Delta$ for which $[D,colonDelta]<infty$.

  • For each $boldsymbolgammainmathbbQDelta$ there is $0neq n_boldsymbolgammainmathbbZ$ with $n_boldsymbolgammaboldsymbolgammainDelta$.

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is a $0$-dimensional, non-locally-compact, divisible, incomplete metric subgroup of $G$.

  • $G$ has a dense subgroup $Xcongsumlimits_pinmathbbPfrac1pmathbbZ$ algebraically isomorphic to the Pontryagin dual of $G$.

  • $G$ is topologically isomorphic to $fracmathbbQDeltatimesmathbbRX(boldsymbol1,1)$ with identfications $DeltasubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$ and $XsubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$, subject to the caveat that under the identifications the algebro-topological realizations of $mathbbQDelta$ and $X$ go from locally compact outside of $G$ to non-locally-compact as subgroups of $G$.

Each algebraic number $alphanotinmathbbZ$ has the form $beta_alpha/n_alpha$ for some algebraic integer $beta_alpha$ and some minimal positive integer $n_alpha >1$. Let $s_alpha(x)$ denote a nonconstant monic irreducible polynomial in $mathbbZ[x]$ with $s_alpha(beta_alpha)=0$.

Let $mathbbP$ denote the set of prime numbers. For each $minmathbbZ$, let $mathbbP_alpha,m =p_alpha,m,1,dots,p_alpha,m,k_m$ according to the prime factorization $s_alpha(m) = pm p_alpha,m,1^r_alpha,m,1cdots p_alpha,m,k_m^r_alpha,m,k_m$. For example, $varnothingneqmathbbP_alpha,0= p_alpha,0,1,dots, p_alpha,0,k_0$ because $s_alpha(0)=pm p_alpha,0,1^r_alpha,0,1cdots p_alpha,0,k_0^r_alpha,0,k_0$ is the constant term of the irreducible polynomial $s_alpha (x)inmathbbZ[x]$, and for $qinmathbbP$ we have $mathbbP_alpha,q= p_alpha,q,1,dots, p_alpha,q,k_q$ where $s_alpha(q) = pm p_alpha,q,1^r_alpha,q,1cdots p_alpha,q,k_q^r_alpha,q,k_q$.

For $pinmathbbP$, let $Z_alpha,,p=minmathbbZ,colon pmid s_alpha(m)$. Let $overlineZ_alpha,,p=m+pmathbbZinmathbbZ/pmathbbZ,colon min Z_alpha,,p$. Then

  1. $mathbbP_alpha,colon!= pinmathbbP,colon, pmid s_alpha(m)$ for some $minmathbbZ=bigcuplimits_minmathbbZmathbbP_alpha,m$ is infinite,

  2. $Z_alpha,,p=varnothing$ if $pnotinmathbbP_alpha$,

  3. $Z_alpha,,p$ is infinite if $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  4. $lvertoverlineZ_alpha,,prvert >1$ for infinitely many $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  5. $0in Z_alpha,,p_0,1capcdotscap Z_alpha,,p_0,k_0$,

  6. $pinmathbbP,colon Z_alpha,,pcap mathbbP_alpha,,pneqvarnothing= p_0,1,dots, p_0,k_0$.

Define $Delta_alpha =boldsymbolgammainDelta,colon, forall,pnotinmathbbP_alpha,0,, pnmidgamma_pLeftrightarrow gamma_pin Z_alpha,,psubseteqDelta$. By (1) and (4), $Delta_alpha$ is uncountable. Let $boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ be the unique element of $Delta_alpha$ satisfying $0lebeta_alpha,,p<p$ with $beta_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$. Define $boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alphainmathbbQDelta$ to be the element $boldsymbolr_alpha=(r_alpha,2+2^ell_2mathbbZ,r_alpha,3+3^ell_3mathbbZ,r_alpha,5+5^ell_5mathbbZ,dots)$ with $n_alpha boldsymbolr_alpha=boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ and $0le r_alpha,,p<p^ell_p$ with $r_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$.

Define $sim$ on $mathbbQDelta$ by $boldsymbolgammasimboldsymboldeltaLeftrightarrow$ there exists $alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ such that $pmid n_alpha(gamma_p-delta_p)$ for almost all $pin mathbbP_alpha$. Write $[boldsymbolgamma]$ for the equivalence class of $boldsymbolgamma$.

Define $fcolonoverlinemathbbQrightarrowmathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $f(alpha)=[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ for $alpha=beta_alpha/n_alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ where $n_alpha=1Leftrightarrow beta_alphainmathbbZ$. Then $f$ is well-defined and surjective.

$rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]=gin rm End,mathbbZ[x]: g(1)=1$ and $g(x)= mpm x$ for some $minmathbbZ$ acts on $mathbbZ[x]$, taking monic irreducible polynomials to monic irreducible polynomials, and so defines a group action on $overlinemathbbQ$ which induces a well-defined group action on $mathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $t(x)f(alpha),colon!= f(t(x)alpha)$.

Denote the quotient $overlinemathbbQDelta,,colon! = rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash mathbbQDelta/!!sim$. The elements of $overlinemathbbQDelta$ are the orbits of $[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ under the induced group action, and these orbits correspond bijectively with the path components of $G$ via $rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash [boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha] leftrightarrow boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha + G_a$, where $G_a$ denotes the path component of $0in G$.

Thus, $overlinemathbbQcong overlinemathbbQDelta$ exhibits a one-to-one correspondence between algebraic numbers and path components of the $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group $G$.

Question: Is this construction correct? If not, is it fixable? If fixable, what changes are needed?

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Introduction: Below gives an approach to realize the algebraic numbers $overlinemathbbQsubseteqmathbbC$ within a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group (solenoid). Essentially a trade is made: sacrifice path-connectedness in $mathbbC$ to exhibit an algebraic, topological, analytic, and geometric setting in $1$ real dimension for $overlinemathbbQ$. The asserted correspondence identifies each algebraic number with a path component of the solenoid.

Let $boldsymbol1=(1+2mathbbZ,1+3mathbbZ,1+5mathbbZ,dots)inDelta,colon!= prod_pinmathbbPfracmathbbZpmathbbZ$, a commutative profinite ring with identity. Identify $mathbbZ$ with the dense subgroup $mathbbZboldsymbol1subseteqDelta$. A $widehatmathbbZ$-module structure is defined on $Delta$ by continuously extending the natural multiplication $mathbbZtimesDeltarightarrowDelta$. The resulting scalar multiplication is compatible with the continuous componentwise ring multiplication on $Delta$. In other words, $Delta$ is a finitely generated $widehatmathbbZ$-algebra.

Identify $Delta$ with its topologically isomorphic image in $G,colon!=fracDeltatimesmathbbRmathbbZ(boldsymbol1,1)$, a $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group, or solenoid, with a metric topology and (WLOG) total Haar measure $1$.

Define $mathbbQDelta$ to be the subgroup of $G$ generated by its profinite subgroups. It is known that

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is the union of all subgroups $D$ of $G$ containing $Delta$ for which $[D,colonDelta]<infty$.

  • For each $boldsymbolgammainmathbbQDelta$ there is $0neq n_boldsymbolgammainmathbbZ$ with $n_boldsymbolgammaboldsymbolgammainDelta$.

  • $mathbbQDelta$ is a $0$-dimensional, non-locally-compact, divisible, incomplete metric subgroup of $G$.

  • $G$ has a dense subgroup $Xcongsumlimits_pinmathbbPfrac1pmathbbZ$ algebraically isomorphic to the Pontryagin dual of $G$.

  • $G$ is topologically isomorphic to $fracmathbbQDeltatimesmathbbRX(boldsymbol1,1)$ with identfications $DeltasubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$ and $XsubseteqmathbbQDeltasubseteq G$, subject to the caveat that under the identifications the algebro-topological realizations of $mathbbQDelta$ and $X$ go from locally compact outside of $G$ to non-locally-compact as subgroups of $G$.

Each algebraic number $alphanotinmathbbZ$ has the form $beta_alpha/n_alpha$ for some algebraic integer $beta_alpha$ and some minimal positive integer $n_alpha >1$. Let $s_alpha(x)$ denote a nonconstant monic irreducible polynomial in $mathbbZ[x]$ with $s_alpha(beta_alpha)=0$.

Let $mathbbP$ denote the set of prime numbers. For each $minmathbbZ$, let $mathbbP_alpha,m =p_alpha,m,1,dots,p_alpha,m,k_m$ according to the prime factorization $s_alpha(m) = pm p_alpha,m,1^r_alpha,m,1cdots p_alpha,m,k_m^r_alpha,m,k_m$. For example, $varnothingneqmathbbP_alpha,0= p_alpha,0,1,dots, p_alpha,0,k_0$ because $s_alpha(0)=pm p_alpha,0,1^r_alpha,0,1cdots p_alpha,0,k_0^r_alpha,0,k_0$ is the constant term of the irreducible polynomial $s_alpha (x)inmathbbZ[x]$, and for $qinmathbbP$ we have $mathbbP_alpha,q= p_alpha,q,1,dots, p_alpha,q,k_q$ where $s_alpha(q) = pm p_alpha,q,1^r_alpha,q,1cdots p_alpha,q,k_q^r_alpha,q,k_q$.

For $pinmathbbP$, let $Z_alpha,,p=minmathbbZ,colon pmid s_alpha(m)$. Let $overlineZ_alpha,,p=m+pmathbbZinmathbbZ/pmathbbZ,colon min Z_alpha,,p$. Then

  1. $mathbbP_alpha,colon!= pinmathbbP,colon, pmid s_alpha(m)$ for some $minmathbbZ=bigcuplimits_minmathbbZmathbbP_alpha,m$ is infinite,

  2. $Z_alpha,,p=varnothing$ if $pnotinmathbbP_alpha$,

  3. $Z_alpha,,p$ is infinite if $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  4. $lvertoverlineZ_alpha,,prvert >1$ for infinitely many $pinmathbbP_alpha$,

  5. $0in Z_alpha,,p_0,1capcdotscap Z_alpha,,p_0,k_0$,

  6. $pinmathbbP,colon Z_alpha,,pcap mathbbP_alpha,,pneqvarnothing= p_0,1,dots, p_0,k_0$.

Define $Delta_alpha =boldsymbolgammainDelta,colon, forall,pnotinmathbbP_alpha,0,, pnmidgamma_pLeftrightarrow gamma_pin Z_alpha,,psubseteqDelta$. By (1) and (4), $Delta_alpha$ is uncountable. Let $boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ be the unique element of $Delta_alpha$ satisfying $0lebeta_alpha,,p<p$ with $beta_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$. Define $boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alphainmathbbQDelta$ to be the element $boldsymbolr_alpha=(r_alpha,2+2^ell_2mathbbZ,r_alpha,3+3^ell_3mathbbZ,r_alpha,5+5^ell_5mathbbZ,dots)$ with $n_alpha boldsymbolr_alpha=boldsymbolbeta_alpha$ and $0le r_alpha,,p<p^ell_p$ with $r_alpha,,p$ minimal for all $pinmathbbP$.

Define $sim$ on $mathbbQDelta$ by $boldsymbolgammasimboldsymboldeltaLeftrightarrow$ there exists $alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ such that $pmid n_alpha(gamma_p-delta_p)$ for almost all $pin mathbbP_alpha$. Write $[boldsymbolgamma]$ for the equivalence class of $boldsymbolgamma$.

Define $fcolonoverlinemathbbQrightarrowmathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $f(alpha)=[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ for $alpha=beta_alpha/n_alphainoverlinemathbbQ$ where $n_alpha=1Leftrightarrow beta_alphainmathbbZ$. Then $f$ is well-defined and surjective.

$rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]=gin rm End,mathbbZ[x]: g(1)=1$ and $g(x)= mpm x$ for some $minmathbbZ$ acts on $mathbbZ[x]$, taking monic irreducible polynomials to monic irreducible polynomials, and so defines a group action on $overlinemathbbQ$ which induces a well-defined group action on $mathbbQDelta/!!sim$ by $t(x)f(alpha),colon!= f(t(x)alpha)$.

Denote the quotient $overlinemathbbQDelta,,colon! = rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash mathbbQDelta/!!sim$. The elements of $overlinemathbbQDelta$ are the orbits of $[boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha]$ under the induced group action, and these orbits correspond bijectively with the path components of $G$ via $rm Aut,mathbbZ[x]backslash [boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha] leftrightarrow boldsymbolbeta_alpha/n_alpha + G_a$, where $G_a$ denotes the path component of $0in G$.

Thus, $overlinemathbbQcong overlinemathbbQDelta$ exhibits a one-to-one correspondence between algebraic numbers and path components of the $1$-dimensional compact connected abelian group $G$.

Question: Is this construction correct? If not, is it fixable? If fixable, what changes are needed?

algebraic-number-theory connectedness topological-groups path-connected adeles

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edited yesterday


asked Apr 7 at 7:19




  • 5

    Add an introduction to the question: otherwise one has to read 40+ lines blindly without knowing what the question is :)
    – b00n heT
    Apr 7 at 7:27

  • 5

    Add an introduction to the question: otherwise one has to read 40+ lines blindly without knowing what the question is :)
    – b00n heT
    Apr 7 at 7:27



Add an introduction to the question: otherwise one has to read 40+ lines blindly without knowing what the question is :)
– b00n heT
Apr 7 at 7:27

Add an introduction to the question: otherwise one has to read 40+ lines blindly without knowing what the question is :)
– b00n heT
Apr 7 at 7:27





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