
Showing posts from April 11, 2019

Lower bound on the integral of averaging operator. The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InIs there a lower bound for $int_B_rf$ when $f$ is a positive function?The Lebesgue-Borel measuref the difference between two open balls tends to $0$ as the radii tend to $infty$Compare measures of two sets“Kind of Duality result” for the volume of a $d$-ballEstablishing a few properties of the lower and upper Lebesgue integralIs the gradient somehow 'hidden' behind Lebesgue differentiation theorem?Commutation of limits and integralA guess related to Lebesgue differentiation theoremProving the sharper form of the Lebesgue Differentiation TheoremHow to prove that $textarea( S_r(x) cap B_R(0)) leq textarea(S_R(0))$?

Is bread bad for ducks? Is it okay to consider publishing in my first year of PhD? If I score a critical hit on an 18 or higher, what are my chances of getting a critical hit if I roll 3d20? Why can't devices on different VLANs, but on the same subnet, communicate? Are there any other methods to apply to solving simultaneous equations? What is preventing me from simply constructing a hash that's lower than the current target? Why does the nucleus not repel itself? Falsification in Math vs Science Pokemon Turn Based battle (Python) How to charge AirPods to keep battery healthy? Why can I use a list index as an indexing variable in a for loop? What is this sharp, curved notch on my knife for? Can we generate random numbers using irrational numbers like π and e? Did the UK government pay "millions and millions of dollars" to try to snag Julian Assange? How can I have a shield and a way of attacking with a ranged weapon at the same time? Why ...

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Wikipedija eng.braće Coen2000MississippiVelike depresije1937HomerovojHowarda Waldropa1989Prestona Sturgesa1941Velike depresijeGeorge ClooneyJohn TurturroTim Blake NelsonJohn GoodmanHolly HunterCharles DurningSoundtrackGrammy2001. imendaniPashaJurijeva noć 11. travnja10. travnja9. travnjaWikipedija na hrvatskome jeziku16. veljače2003.Uvodnog tečaja Glavna stranica Izvor: Wikipedija Prijeđi na navigaciju Prijeđi na pretraživanje Dobro došli na Wikipediju na hrvatskom jeziku. Trenutačno uređujemo 204.523 članka. I Vi možete uređivati Wikipediju! Glazba Povijest Nogomet Zemljopis Hrvatska Životopisi Kemija Likovna umjetnost Svi portali Arhiv  Izabrani članak Tko je ovdje lud? (eng. O Brother, Where Art Thou? ) je američka komedija braće Coen iz 2000. smještena u Mississippi u vrijeme Velike depresije (točnije u 1937.). Film je djelomično temelje...

Complement of tubular neighborhood The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InFinding a metric on a tubular neighborhood of an embedded surfaceTangent bundle of a noncompact surfaceTubular neighborhood with an additional projectionA non orientable closed surface cannot be embedded into $mathbbR^3$Normal variation of embedded surfacesDerivative of projectionTubular neighborhoods of embedding of manifolds and vector bundles$epsilon$ function of a tubular neighborhoodExistence of certain surfaces in flat riemannian 3-manifoldDifferential of inverse function to a tubular neighborhood

Why are there uneven bright areas in this photo of black hole? How to translate "being like"? Match Roman Numerals How to quickly solve partial fractions equation? Can withdrawing asylum be illegal? What does もの mean in this sentence? Loose spokes after only a few rides Will it cause any balance problems to have PCs level up and gain the benefits of a long rest mid-fight? What is the motivation for a law requiring 2 parties to consent for recording a conversation What is the meaning of Triage in Cybersec world? Why don't hard Brexiteers insist on a hard border to prevent illegal immigration after Brexit? Pokemon Turn Based battle (Python) What can I do if neighbor is blocking my solar panels intentionally How can I add encounters in the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign without giving PCs too much XP? Likelihood that a superbug or lethal virus could come from a landfill How to type a long/em dash `—` Can an undergraduate be advised by a...